Boost your calligraphy blog SEO — Olive & Reid Studio

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Boost your calligraphy blog SEO


How cool that my blog is one of the Top 50 Calligraphy Blogs Every Calligrapher Must Follow via Feedspot! I've been behind on my blogging, so this is the motivation I need to write regular updates. With the list influenced in good measure by search ranking, social media influence, and consistency of post updates, it was a timely reminder of how a calligraphy blog can really help boost your website's SEO.

How can writing a calligraphy blog help your SEO?

With a background in web content strategy, I know it's good to keep a regular calligraphy blog for search engine optimisation (SEO). It's not why I write about calligraphy, but being found in search is a wonderful by-product. It motivates me to keep writing because it means people are looking for that information.

However, SEO can be just as mysterious to me, so being one of the top 50 calligraphy blogs, alongside the likes of Lyndsey Bugbee from The Postman's Knock and many other wonderful calligraphers, was awesome validation to keep at it.

My one piece of advice to help a calligraphy blog's SEO

Google loves active websites that directly answer questions that people ask search engines. If people type "calligraphy magazines" and I have that pretty niche content on my website, my website is likely to be displayed (if I've sorted a few other technical things along the way). Although much of Google's algorithm for displaying websites in its search results remains a mystery, some things become a "no brainer" once you know. Write about what people want to know, and then they can find you. Of course, there's more to it than that — you have to spend time promoting what you write on social media, and thinking about keywords, etc. — but, more than anything else, if the information is not there to be found; your website won't be found.

What should a calligraphy blog be about?

Every calligrapher has their own skill, talent and preferences. Write about what interests you and what you know about calligraphy, and it will appeal to a likeminded audience. I naturally gravitate to teaching. I like to help if I can, so, when I started my blog two years ago, I wanted it to be a resource for people in the UK starting their calligraphy journey. I wanted to bridge the gap between calligraphy blogs in the US that recommended products you couldn't easily source in the UK.

Because calligraphy and its diverse, traditional scope was very daunting to me, I try to write a calligraphy blog that makes the art form more accessible to newbies. Hopefully, its useful to more intermediate calligraphers, too.

I'm really pleased to be in such wonderful company of calligraphy bloggers. The Feedspot list has given me a great swathe of calligraphers to follow, which is always a good thing! I hope you find it useful too.

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